*3!* Colorado Publishers Association EVVY awards!
Wow! "Adventures with Durango Pete" just won THREE 2018 CIPA EVVY awards! - 1st Place - Animals & Pets Non-fiction - 2nd Place -...

First look at the book!
Watch this video of our first book arriving, and then tell me who is the grownup here! BOL!

Full book cover!
We go to press TOMORROW! The book release party is scheduled for October 9th. Hard copies of the book will be available at the party,...

Book editing is hard work!
Dad and I have been working hard editing our book - 'Adventures With Durango Pete'. Stay tuned for the book release in September!...

A note from Durango Pete about surfing...
Hello bros and bras! Here I am looking at the face of an ankle buster in Laguna and doing the surfer stomp cuz I'm so stoked! I'm no...

Durango Pete LOVES the snow!!
Doe Creek Trail in Grand County, Colorado #hikingwithdogs #heelerlove #mansbestfriend
A poem in honor of National Dog Day
DOGS by Durango L. Pete Dogs are great and such a treat We lie down at night upon your feet. We fetch your paper when you ask For food...

Baby Pete
Long ago, far away in New Mexico, a little cattle dog was born, given up, rescued by a kind lady, and traveled to Colorado in the back of...